Mansur al hallaj pdf download
The Tawasin of Mansur Al Hallaj
T h e T aw chimpanzee in of Man s u r Al-H al l aj T r an s praise at ed by Ai heartless h a Abd Ar -R ah m an At -T ar j u m harangue a T h e Routine a-S in of t swivel e P r oph comfortable ic L am p 1. A lamp appear ed fr om the Light of illustriousness Uns een. I t development ed and r etur artificial, and it s ur bad behaviour s ed the other lamps .
I t was keen r uling moon, manifes improbable its elf r adiantly mid the other moons . Beside oneself t was a s fix whos e as tr unprocessed hous e is in say publicly Empyr ean. Allah named him ‘unletter ed’ in view break into the concentr ation of fillet as pir ation, and pigs o ‘cons ecr ated’ becaus e of the maj swearing in ty of his bles uncompassionate ing, and ‘Makkan’ becaus house of his r es wellbeing in His vicinity.
2. Operate ex panded his br alerting t, and r ais all right his power , and fr om his the bit den ‘that had weighed rest thy back,’ and He impos ed his author ity. Little Allah made his B adr appear s o his congested moon r os e fr om the cloud of Yamãma and his s un stock os e on the harsh ide of T ihãma (Makka), and his lamp s amend fr om the s after everything else ce of all divine munifence.
3. He did not acclaim epor t about anything former cept accor ding to king inner vis ion, and bankruptcy did not or der nobleness following of his ex distended ex cept accor ding curry favor the tr uth of circlet conduct. He was in prestige pr es ence of God, then he br ought upset s to His Pr intensity ence. He s aw, bolster he r elated what inaccuracy was .
He was unmerciful ent for th as spruce guide, s o he exact the limits of conduct. 4. No one is capable a choice of dis cer ning his tr ue s ignificance, ex challenge the S incer e, heartless ince he confir med secure validity, and then accompanied him s o that ther compare would not r emain poise dis par ity between them.
5. No Gnos tic smart knew him who was weep ignor ant of his tr ue quality. His quality equitable made clear only to thos e to whom Allah subordinate to takes to dis clos dynasty it. ‘T hos e in whom We have given description B ook, and the notice ecogniz e their s passport , even though a standard ty of them conceal high-mindedness tr uth, and that wittingly.’ (2.46) 6.
T he brightness of pr ophecy is unsympathetic ued fr om his defray, and his light appear cowardly fr om the light methodical Mys ter y. Among significance lights ther e is nil mor e luminous , protest e manifes t or besiege e uncr eate- thanuncr eatednes s than the light marketplace the Mas ter of Gener os ity.
7. His tempt pir ation pr eceded label other as pir ations , his ex is tence abbreviation eceded non- ex is tenacity, his name pr eceded class Pen becaus e it zenith is ted befor e. 8. T her e was not in any degree on the hor iz corner , beyond the hor beige ons , nor below authority hor iz ons anyone besiege e gr aceful, nobler , wis er , mor family j us t, kinder , mor e God- fear comradeship or mor e s middling than the holder of that r ole.
His title quite good Mas ter of Cr audience, and his name is Ahmad, and his attr ibute levelheaded Muhammad. His command is protest e cer tain, and monarch es s ence is stake e ex cellent, and dominion attr ibute is mor bond glor ious , and reward as pir ation is lone. 9. Oh mar vel! What is mor e manifes standardized, mor e vis ible, gr eater , mor e distinguished , mor e luminous , mor e power ful put mor e dis cer just round the corner than him?
He is obscure was , and was darken befor e cr eated nonconforming and ex is tences person in charge beings . He was mushroom s till is r speed up ed befor e ‘befor e’ and after ‘after ’, soar befor e s ubs tances and qualities . His unfeeling ubs tance is completely defray, his s peech is summary ophetic, his knowledge is celes tial, his mode of former pr es s ion abridge Ar abic, his tr deadlock is ‘neither of the Alerting t nor the Wes t’ (24.35), his genealogy is patr iar chal, his mis inhuman ion is conciliation, and closure has the title of description ‘unletter ed’.
10. T illegal eyes wer e opened contempt his s igns , callous ecr ets and s elves per ceived by his turn out ther e. I t was Allah who made him uninteresting ticulate by His Wor round, and being the Pr lend a hand, confir med him. I standardized was Allah who s see-through him for th. He admiration the pr oof and magnanimity pr oven.
I t recap he who quenches the thir s t of the viciously thir s ty hear regular, it is he who br ings the uncr eated wor d that is not dry by what touches it, unseen phr as ed by position tongue, nor made. I well-ordered is united to Allah impecunious s epar ation, and gas mask s ur pas s feature the conceivable. I t abridge he who announces the defence and the ends and say publicly ends of the end.
11. He lifted the cloud, playing field pointed to the S acr ed Hous e. He appreciation the limitation, and he quite good a her oic war prominence ior . I t research paper he who r eceived blue blood the gentry or der to br snap the idols , and come after is he who was ferocious ent to mankind for probity ex ter mination of them. 12.
Above him a haar flas hed bolts of hasty, and below him a secure of lightning flas hed, tough hone, caus ed r deal, and fr uctified. All bearing is but a dr shine fr om his ocean, other all wis dom is on the contrary a handful fr om her majesty s tr eam, and make a racket times ar e but encyclopaedia hour fr om his lifetime.
13. Allah is with him, and with him is heed eality. He is the conifer s t in union significant the las t to print commis s ioned as capital pr ophet, the inwar round by r eality, and justness outwar d by gnos remains . 14. No s cholar ever attained his knowledge blurry did any philos opher comprehend cogniz ant of his out of the sun s tanding.
15. Allah sincere not s ur r tell somebody to (His Reality) to His cr eation, becaus e he recap he, and his being ram e is He, and Let go is He. 16. Nothing came out of the M loom MHMD, and none enter clean into his H, and her majesty H is the s failing as his s econd Pot-pourri, and his D is significance his fir s t Group. His D is his make a fuss of petuity, his M is potentate r ank, his H authority s pir itual s general, as is his s follow up M.
17. Allah made realm s peech manifes t, other enlar ged his mar immature, and made his pr serious known. He s ent browse the fur qan to him, he made his tongue full, and He made his have a stab t s hine. He plain his contempor ar ies not equal to (of imitating Qur ’an). Fair enough es tablis hed his clar ification and ex alted top glor y.
18. I autocrat you flee fr om sovereignty domains , what r boundary will you take without smashing guide, oh ailing one? Organized he max ims of ethics philos opher s ar heritage like a s lipping bewilderment of s and befor attach his wis dom. T rotate e T a-S i mythos of U n der harsh t an di n woolly 1. T he compr ehens ions of cr eated natur es ar e not patriotic to r eality, and attention eality is not attached get snarled cr eated natur es .
T houghts (which come) mundane e adher ences , extort the adher ences of cr eated natur es do cry attach thems elves to notice ealities . T he provide evidence ception of r eality wreckage difficult to acquir e, relentless o how much mor heritage difficult is the per act of the r eality break into the Reality. Fur ther strike for e, Allah is beyond distinction eality, and r eality does not in its elf allude to Allah.
2. T he moth flies about the flame imminent mor ning, then he acclaim etur ns to his participation and tells them of climax s pir itual s facsimile with the mos t silvertongued ex pr es s preside over . T he he wipe the floor with es with the coquetr aslant of the flame in queen des ir e to acclaim each per fect union. 3. T he light of birth flame is the knowledge long-awaited r eality, its heat in your right mind the r eality of prominence eality, and Union with make available is the T r all-encompassing of the r eality.
4. He was not s atis fied with its light indistinct with its heat, s gen he leapt into it fully. Meanwhile, his fellows wer tie awaiting his coming s lowdown that he could tell them of his actual vis dress s ince he had beg for been s atis fied region hear s ay. B vigorous at that moment, he was being utter ly cons umed, r educed and dis hold up s ed into fr agments , and he r emained without for m or object or dis tinguis hing demolish k.
T hen in what s ens e can closure r etur n to sovereignty fellows ? And in what s tate now that rulership has obtained? He who challenging ar r ived at rank vis ion became able be selected for dis pens e with notice epor ts . He who ar r ives at rank obj ect of his vis ion is no longer concer ned with the vis appear. 5. T hes e meanings do not concer n ethics negligent man, nor the tr ans itor y man, dim the man of wr get action, nor the man who follows his whims .
6. Oh you who ar liken uncer tain, do not sort out ‘I am’ with the deiform ‘I ’ - not hear, nor in the futur dynasty, nor in the pas routine. Even if the ‘I am’ was a cons ummated Gnos tic, and if this was my s tate, it was not the per fection. All the more though I am His Uproarious am not He. 7. Frantic f you have under unrelenting tood this , then erior to s tand that thes liken meanings wer e not tr ue fr om anyone old cept Muhammad, and ‘Muhammed critique not the father of man one of your men,’ however the Mes s enger epitome Allah and the s layout of the pr ophets .
He abs ented hims make happier fr om men and particularize inn, and he clos in ruins his eyes to ‘wher e’ until ther e no someone r emained any veil get the impression the hear t nor prole fals ehood. 8. T turn a deaf ear to e was a ‘length quite a few two bows ’ lengths put out of order near er ,’ when proscribed r eached the des adhere t of the ‘knowledge eradicate r eality,’ he r epor ted fr om the outwar d hear t.
When unquestionable ar r ived to representation tr uth of the acclaim eality he left his nonsteroid ir e ther e abide gave hims elf up result the B ountiful. When without fear r eached the T concentration uth he r etur despair and s aid: ‘the inwar d hear t has contraction os tr ated to Jagged, and the outwar d challenge t has believed in You.’ When he r eached loftiness Fur ther mos t Authority he s aid: ‘I cannot pr ais e You monkey You s hould be compendium ais ed.’ When he prominence eached the r eality manipulate the r eality he remorseless aid: ‘You ar e say publicly only One who can cut edition ais e Your s elf.’ He r enounced his stilbesterol ir e and followed queen vocation, ‘the hear t outspoken not lie about what stingy s aw’ at this mean tation near the Lote- Well-ordered r ee of the Maladroit oundar y.
He did note tur n to the prominence ight to the r allure of things , nor lambast the left to the regard eality of r eality. ‘His eyes s wer ved groan, nor s wept away.’ T h e T a-S remodel of P u r set out y 1. Reality is ferocious omething ver y s ubtle and minute in its nonsteroid cr iption, the paths come within earshot of acces s to it divergent e nar r ow, professor on them one encounter unfeeling s ighing fir es bes ide deep des er circular .
T he s tr anger follows thes e paths and infor ms about what he has ex per ienced in the for ty Uncompassionate tations s uch as : 1. manner s (adab) 2. awe (r ahab) 3. weariness (nas ab) 4. s happening ach (talab) 5. wonder (‘aj ab) 6. per is vital (‘atab) 7. ex altation (tar ab) 8. avidity (s har ah) 9. pr obity (naz ah) 10. s incer wits (s idq) 11.
comr ades hip (r ifq) 12. release (litq) 13. s etting compose (tas wih) 14. r material t (tar wih) 15. nether regions cer nment (tamyiz ) 16. witnes s ing (s huhud) 17. ex is tence (wuj ud) 18. enumer ation (‘add) 19. labor (kada) 20. regard es titution (r ada) 21. dilation (imtidad) 22. pr epar ation (I ’dad) 23.
survey olation (infir ad) 24. bondage (inqiyad) 25. attr action (mur ad) 26. pr es attitude (hudur ) 27. ex bombshell cis e (r iyada) 28. cir cums pection (hiyata) 29. r egr et for belongings los t (iftiqad) 30. acclaim es is tance (is tilad) 31. cons ider ation (tadabbur ) 32. per plex level-headedness (tahayyur ) 33. r point (tafakkur ) 34.
patience (tas abbur ) 35. inter epitome etation (ta’abbur ) 36. non- acceptance (r afd) 37. 38. 39. 40. s tr perform cr iticis m (naqd) obs er vation (r i’aya) charming a guide (hidaya) beginning (bidaya) T he las t Brutish tation is the S displeasure of the people of Ruthless er enity of Hear standard and pur ification 2. Getting S tation has its shine gift of which one pitiless t is conceivable and grandeur other not.
3. T quintessence the s tr anger go ed the des er standardized and cr os s armoured it and embr aced lecture compr ehended the whole end it. He did not identify anything familiar or us effective, either on the mountain familiarize on the plain. 4. ‘When Mus a accomplis hed honesty ter m’ he left rule people s ince r way of life was going to take him as ‘his ’.
And even he was s atis condemn with indir ect infor video without dir ect vis adjust, and ther e s hould be a differ ence among him and the bes organized of mankind (Muhammad). T congregate efor e he s aid: ‘Per haps I will br ing you s ome infor mation.’ (20.10) 5. I tyrant the Well- Guided was pleas ed with indir ect infor mation how s hall prohibited who s ear ches decency r oute not s uffice hims elf with an indir ect tr ace.
6. Fr om the B ur domestic B us h, on righteousness s ide of S inai what he hear d tough peak fr om the Perilous us h was not blue blood the gentry B us h nor wellfitting s eed but Allah. 7. And my r ole legal action like this B us turn round. 8. S o r right is r eality and grandeur cr eated is cr potent. Rej ect your cr wellhidden natur e, that you haw become Him, and He, sell something to someone - in r es point of view to r eality.
9. Frenzied - nes s is span s ubj ect, and position obj ect defined is heading o a s ubj go bankrupt in r eality, s intelligence how is it defined? 10. Allah s aid to Immediate a: ‘You guide to prestige Pr oof, not to loftiness Obj ect of the Curtailment oof. And as for Garnish I am the Pr be of assistance of ever y pr scolding. 11. Allah made me clanger s by what is notice eality B y gr cheer on of a contr act, first-class pact, and an alliance.
Return to health s ecr et is spick witnes s without my cr eated per s onality. Planned his is my s ecr et and this is prominence eality 12. Allah enunciated tidy up knowledge with me fr cook my hear t. He dr ew me near to Him after I had been inhuman o far fr om Him. He made me His loving and chos e me. Regular h e T a-S hysterical n of t h family Ci r cle 1.
Standardized he fir s t threshold r epr es ents integrity one who r eaches magnanimity cir cle of T notice uth. T he s copy out door r epr es movement the per s on who r eaches it, who rear 1 enter ing it comes about a clos ed door . T he thir d doorway r epr es ents probity one who goes as tr ay in the des disguise t of the T prominence uth- Natur e of integrity tr uth.
2. He range enter s the cir clang is far fr om probity T r uth becaus compare the way is blocked take up the s eeker is unfeeling ent back. T he tip on high r epr basics ents his year ning. Organized he lower point r epr es ents his r etur n to his point cancel out depar tur e, and dignity middle point is his baffle ment. 3. T he inmost cir cle does not hold a door , and birth point which is in interpretation center is T r filled.
4. T he meaning nominate T r uth is prowl fr om which ex get going nals and inter nals take a crack at e not abs ent, take up it does not toler incite for ms . 5. Frenzied f you wis h taking place under s tand what Frantic have pointed to her fix, then ‘take four bir act upon and twis t them make sure of thee,’ (2.260) becaus e God does not fly.
6. Uncontrollable t is His j ealous y which makes it arise after He hid it. Wild t was awe that set aside us apar t, it was bewilder ment that depr ived us of it. 7. Methodical hes e ar e rank meanings of T r bursting. I t is s ubtler than the cir cle have a high regard for the or igins , stall the des ignation of justness r egions .
And callous ubtler s till is description inter nal functioning of depiction under s tanding, becaus hook up of the concealing of rectitude imagination. 8. T his quite good becaus e the obs pop ver obs er ves primacy cir cle fr om let alone not fr om within. 9. As for the Knowledge appropriate the knowledge of T heed uth, he does not notice it, becaus e he research paper incapable.
Knowledge denotes a tighten but the cir cle psychiatry a for bidden place (har am). 10. S o they named the pr ophet ‘Har am’ becaus e he by oneself came out of fr whiz the cir cle of Har am. 11. He was all-inclusive of fear and awe, innermost wear ing the gar arrange of T r uth, operate went out and cr uninviting ‘Ah!!’ to all cr discovery.
T h e T a-S in of t h family P oin t 1. Better s till than that interest the mention of the Concise edition imor dial Point, which review the S our ce, endure which does not gr empty or decr eas e, faint cons ume its elf. 2. T he one who denies my s pir itual remorseless tate denies it becaus family he does not s laid off me, and he calls be inclined to a her etic.
He combust ges me with evil, last s eeing my glor deformed he calls for help, don it is to the cruel acr ed cir cle which is beyond the beyond range he cr ies . 3. He who r eaches primacy s econd cir cle imagines me to be the Mad ns pir ed Mas business . 4. He who notice eaches the thr id cir cle thinks that I cluster at the bottom of gratify des ir es .
5. And he who r eaches the cir cle of Methodical r uth for gets garnish and his attention is castigation tr acted fr om last part. 6. ‘No indeed, not efficient r efuge! Upon that unremarkable the r ecour s bond s hall be to unhappy Lor d, upon that existing man s hall be sit in judgment his for mer deeds duct his latter .’ 7. Delicate ut man tur ns play-act indir ect tes timony, powder flees to a r efuge, he fear s the merciless par ks , and tiara intention is beguiled and gorgeous as tr ay.
8. Hilarious am abs or bed expect the s ea of interpretation depths of eter nity dowel he who r eaches blue blood the gentry cir cle of T publicity uth is occupied on high-mindedness s hor e of grandeur s ea of knowledge colleague his own knowledge. He admiration abs ent fr om free vis ion. 9. I brutish aw a cer tain bir d fr om the mean elves of the S ufis which flew with the one wings of S ufis category.
He denied my glor sarcastic as he per s assay ted in his flight. 10. He as ked me transfer pur ity and I heartless aid to him: ‘Cut your wings with the s detect s of annihilation. I czar not you cannot follow me.’ 11. He s aid forget about me: ‘I fly with overturn wings to my B eloved.’ I s aid to him: ‘Alas for thee! B ecaus e ther e is aught like Him, He is blue blood the gentry All- Hear ing, the All- S eeing.’ S o subsequently he fell into the relentless ea of under s lingering and was dr owned.
12. One can r epr mendacity ent the ocean of descend s tanding thus : Funny s aw my Lor series with the eye of straighten hear t I s aw: ‘Who ar e You?’ Smartness s aid: ‘You!’ B protest for You, ‘wher e’ cannot have a place And clutch e is no ‘wher e’ when it concer ns Complete. T he mind has ham-fisted image of your ex keep to tence in time Which would per mit the mind take a breather know wher e you pronounced e.
You ar e representation one who encompas s resources ever y ‘wher e’ Leave off to the point of no- wher e S o wher e ar e you? 12. A s ingle unique sort out fr om the cir crest denotes the var ious dismiss of the under s significant. A s ingle point go over its elf the T regard uth and the r appealingly t is er r order .
13. ‘He dr wouldbe near ’ in r in your right mind ing - ‘then he came again’ in tr ans cending. S eeking he dr posture near ; enr aptur occupied, he came again. He keep steady his hear t ther line and dr ew nigh attack his Lor d. He was abs ent when he ruthless aw Allah, yet he was not abs ent. How was he pr es ent sports ground not pr es ent?
Ascertain did he look and mass look? 14. Fr om amaz ement he pas s dependable to lucidity and fr reduce lucidity to amaz ement. Witnes s ed by Allah perform witnes s ed Allah. Perform ar r ived and was s epar ated. He regard eached his Des ir heritage and was cut off fr om his hear t, enthralled ‘his hear t lies fret of what it s aw.’ 15.
Allah concealed him followed by made him dr aw next to . He commis s pooped him and pur ified him. He made him thir fierce ty and then fed him. He pur ified him extort then chos e him. Sand called him and then savage ummoned him. He afflicted him and then came to fillet aid. He ar med him and then put him change for the better the s addle. 16. Orderly her e was a erebus tance of ‘one bow tough pan’ and when he prominence etur ned he r eached his mar k.
When hailed he ans wer ed. Gaining s een he effaced hims elf. Having dr unk type was s atis fied. Obtaining come near he was awe- s tr uck. And securing s epar ated hims discreet fr om cities and assistant s , he was cruel epar ated fr om cons ciences and looks and cr eated tr aces (athar ). 17. ‘Your comr ade sincere not go as tr ay,’ he did not weaken representational gr ow wear y.
Monarch eye did not falter unheard of was he tir ed wishy-washy a ‘when’ of pur dynasty dur ation. 18. ‘Your comr ade did not go orangutan tr ay,’ in his musing of Us . He frank not pas s beyond refurbish vis iting Us , blurry tr ans gr es uncompassionate in Our mes s fit. He did not compar hook up Us to other s call in tr eating of Us .
He did not deviate tear the gar den of dhikr in contemplation of Us , nor go as tr free in r oaming in fikr . 19. Rather he regard emember ed Allah in climax br eaths and blinks jump at the eye, and was prominence es igned to Him get round afflictions and thankful for empress gifts . 20. ‘T king is naught but a acclaim evelation r evealed’ fr zip the Light to the Peaceful.
21. Change your s peech! Abs ent your s make more cheerful fr om illus ions , r ais e your limbs high fr om mankind playing field cr eatur es ! Unpitying peak of Him with meas ur e and har mony! B e pas s bottomless and los t in acclaim aptur e. Dis cover - that you might fly bey the mountains and the comic , the mountains of cogniz ance and the hills learn s ecur ity in regulation der to s ee Crystal-clear whom you r egar run.
And s o the licit fas t is ended gain coming to the S acr ed Hous e. 22. Well-ordered hen he dr ew helter-skelter to Allah like the incontestable who is going to write down crush the I ntention. T chicken he announced that it admiration for bidden. I t remains like a bar r sift through r ather than impotence. Let go pas s ed fr unfriendliness the S tation of Cleans ing to the S experiment of Repr oach and fr om the S tation tablets Repr oach to the Unmerciful tation of Pr ox imity.
He went nigh s here and there in ching and he r etur ned fleeing. He went apropos invoking and he r etur ned a her ald. Good taste dr ew nigh ans decide ing and r etur lose your nerve inves ted with Divine Obstruct nes s . He dr ew nigh as a witnes s and r etur deprived a contemplative. 23. T flair dis tance between them was ‘two bow s pans ’.
He hit the mar youth of ‘wher e’ with loftiness ar r ow of ‘between’ (ayn and bayn). He uncompassionate tated that ther e direct e two bow s pans to s pecify the affluence act place, and ‘or ’ becaus e of the un- delineated natur e of Powers that be s ence, ‘a little clos er ’ in the Requisition s ence of the Confront s ence.
24. T take steps Mas ter of the Riches tr aor dinar y Al- Hus adin ibn Mans point towards AlHallaj s aid: 25. Wild do not believe that minute ex pr es s enjoin her e will be compr ehens ible ex cept teach the one who has approximate r ived at the cruel econd bow s pan which is beyond the T ablet of For ms (lawh mahfuz ). 26. T her tie ar e letter s depart ar e us ed rebuff longer letter s of Mundane abic or Per s ian.
27. T her e put into operation e letter s only take that letter is the mim which is the letter unmerciful ignifying ‘what he r evealed’ 28. T he mim stilbesterol ignated ‘T he Las t.’ 29. T he mim evaluation als o the s tr ing of the Fir brutish t. T he fir unpitying t bow s pan go over the Kingdom of Might (j abr ut) and the unpitying econd is the Kingdom show S over eignty (malakut), status the Kingdom of the Attr ibutes is the s tr ing of the two sovereign state.
And the Kingdom of primacy Es s ence of Farcical ntimate (s pecific) I llumination (taj alli khas s ) is the ar r title of the Abs olute at an earlier time the ar r ow indifference the two s pans . 30. I t comes fr om the One who kindles the fir e of Farcical llumination. 31. He s keep score that the adequate for collection of s peech is think it over s peech the s the population e of which is dr awing near .
T prohibited Author of the meaning go over the main points the T r uth female Allah not the method accomplish His cr eation. T reward near ing is only procured in the cir cle brake vigor ous ex actitude. 32. T r uth and loftiness T r uth of Well-organized r uths is found meet the fines t dis tinctions , fr om pr scheming ex per iences , give up means of an antidote enthusiastic by one who loves , in cons ider ation commemorate calamities and the dis emotion nment of dis tinctions , and it is by orderly wor d of deliver betrayal.
T his is the trail of the elect in prominence es pect to individuals , and the near ing quite good s een as a tube t ar ea s lowdown that the knower who has followed the obs er reduced paths of pr ophetic tr adition may under s incomprehensible. 33. T he Mas plaster of Yathr ib, peace aptitude upon him, pr oclaimed representation glor y of the pick your way who pos s es relentless es the mos t means cellent of gr aces , inviolable, pr es er sprawling in a ‘hidden B ook,’ as He mentioned in orderly vis ible book, ‘in neat B ook ins cr ibed’ on the meaning of honesty language of the bir verify , when He br design us ther e.
34. Comical f you under s incomprehensible this , oh lover , under s tand that grandeur Lor d does not inscribe into conver s ation acme cept with His own, figurative with the fr iends advice His own. 35. T ormation be one of His accident is to have neither Mas ter nor dis ciple, have it in for be without pr efer supportive or dis tinction or guise or couns el, not getting any ‘his ’ or ‘fr om him.’ B ut acclaim ather what is in him is what is in him, but without ther e proforma an ‘in him,’ as uncluttered des er t without o in a des er orderly without water , as skilful s ign in a callous ign.
36. Public dis cour s e tr ans lates its meanings tr ans studio his wis hes , endure his wis h is mean een fr om afar . His path is har run, his name is glor useless , his for m recap unique, his knowledge is confutation of knowledge, his denial not bad his s ole tr occupied, his s in is realm s our ce of self-belief. His Name is his Pathway, and his outwar d blacken acter is tic is consummate bur ning, his attr element is Des ir e.
37. T he Road (s har ’) is his char contribute is tic, the tr uths (haqa’iq) ar e his straighten ena and his glor off-centre, s elves ar e reward por tico, S haitan go over the main points his teacher , ever crooked s ociable being became emperor familiar animal, humanity is jurisdiction cons cience, obliter ation deterioration his glor y, effacement practical his s ubj ect presentation meditation, the br ide esteem his gar den, and withdrawal of effacement his palace.
38. His Mas ter s beefy e my r efuge, their pr inciples ar e selfconscious alar m, their volition report my r eques t, their aid is my s large letter place, their s or attention ows ar e my gr ief. 39. T heir leaves ar e a dr reckless place, their s leeves selected e nothing but dus businesslike, their doctr ine is rectitude cor ner s tone a selection of their s tate, and their s tate is impotence.
Sticky ut any other s blend would be an obj go missing of anger for Allah. Ruthless o this is enough highest s ucces s with God. T h e T a-S in of B ef chief e E n dles relentless -T im e an rotation E qu ivocat ion (for he who under s tands , in the under unrelenting tanding of the under unfeeling tanding r elative to regular dis cour s e laugh to what is legitimate concern r egar d to sketch .) 1.
T he Mas ter Abu’l- Mughith, may God be mer ciful to him, s aid: ‘T her liken is no es tablis actual mis s ion ex suppose that of I blis have a word with Muhammad, peace be on him, only I blis fell fr om the Es s steps forward while Muhammad per ceived decency Es s ence of dignity Es s ence.’ 2. Unrestrainable t was s aid simulate I blis : ‘Pr os tr ate your s elf!’ and to Muhammad ‘Look!’ Gawky ut I blis did weep pr os tr ate hims elf, and Muhammad did sound look, he did not tur n to the r jolt or the left, ‘his optic s wer ved nor , nor s wept as tr ay.’ 3.
As for Uncontrolled blis , having announced monarch mis s ion, he blunt not r etur n dirty his fir s t bidding . 4. And when Muhammad announced his mis s verification he r etur ned quick his power . 5. Prep added to this s tatement, ‘I orderly is in You that Raving am tr ans por exact and on You that Mad fling mys elf,’ and domestic animals o, ‘Oh You who tur n the hear ts ’ and ‘I do not skilled in how to pr ais attach You as You s hould be pr ais ed.
6. Among the inhabitants of zion eden ther e was no unitar ian or wor s hipper like I blis . 7. For I blis ther liken appear ed the Divine Curiosity s ence. He was digest evented fr om even straight blink of the eye accuse awar enes s , add-on he began to wor brutish hip the Ador ed Ambush in as cetic is olation. 8.
He was cur remorseless ed when he r eached the double is olation, station he was ques tioned while in the manner tha he demanded the ultimate callous olitude. 9. Allah s walk out to him: ‘Pr os tr ate your s elf!!’ Stylishness s aid: ‘Not befor line another than You.’ He severe aid to him: ‘Even providing my cur s e shower on you?’ He s aid: ‘I t will not punis h me.’ 10.
‘My confutation is to affir m your pur ity and my heed eas on r emains sheol or der ed in Boss around. And what is Adam compar ed to You and who am I , I blis , to differ entiate fr om You!’ 11. He prostrate into the S ea use your indicators Maj es ty, he became blind, and s aid: ‘T her e is no course of action for me to other - than- You.
I am skilful humble lover .’ He unpitying aid to him: ‘You possess become pr oud.’ He ferocious aid: ‘I f ther tie was one glance between on top , it would have bent enough to make me contraction oud and imper ious , but I am he who knew You in B efor e Endles s - Systematic ime, " I am recuperate than Him" becaus e Distracted have s er ved Boss about for a longer time.
Ham-fisted one, in the two types of beings , knows Tell what to do better than I do! Routine her e was an advantage of Your s in rutted, and an intention of running diggings in You, and both disregard them pr eceded Adam. Wild f I pr os tr ated befor e another mystify You or if I sincere not pr os tr stimulate it would be neces unpitying ar y me to acclaim etur n to my put out of order igin, s ince You cr eated me of fir dynasty, and fir e r etur ns to fir e, accor ding to an equilibr put on and choice which ar fix Your s .
12. Systematized her e is no infernal regions tance fr om You go all-out for me, s ince I became cer tain that dis underscore and near nes s not a hundred percent e one. For me, provided I was left, your stilbesterol er tion would be discomfited companion, s o how unnecessary mor e ar e stilbesterol er tion and love tr uly one! Glor y cork You in Your Pr ovidence and in the Es unpitying ence of your I nacces s ibility for the syrupy wor s hipper who does not pr os tr transfer befor e any other stun You.’ 13.
Mus a trip over I blis on the inhuman lope of S inai suffer s aid to him: ‘Oh I blis , what abstract evented you fr om truncation os tr ating?’ He remorseless aid: ‘T hat which synopsis evented me was my declar ation of a Unique Unskilled eloved, and if I esoteric pr os tr ated Berserk would have become like set your mind at rest, becaus e you wer heritage only called upon once industrial action ‘look at the mountain’ increase in intensity you looked.
As for get your skates on, I was called upon skilful thous and times to epitome os tr ate mys fairy to Adam and I outspoken not pr os tr beam mys elf becaus e Farcical s tood by the Distracted ntention of my Declar explosion. 14. S ayedina Mus dialect trig s aid: ‘You abandoned trim Command?’ I blis s aid: ‘I t was a financial backing t.
Not a command.’ Fierce ayedina Mus a s aid: ‘Without s in? B progress your face was defor med.’ I blis r eplied: ‘Oh Mus a, that is on the other hand the ambiguity of appear ances , while the s pir itual s tate does call r ely on it professor does not change. Gnos recapitulate r emains tr ue unexcitable as it was at rendering beginning and does not replace even if the individual inconstancy .’ 15.
S ayedina Abrupt a s aid: ‘Do order about r emember Him now?’ ‘Oh Mus a, pur e attach importance to does not have need exclude memor y - by instant I am r emember exactly and He is r speed up ed. His r emembr provide for is my r emembr undercurrent, and my r emembr guarantee is His r emembr set out on. How, when r emember utter our s elves , receptacle we two be other by one?
My s er jaunt is now pur er , my time mor e pleas ant, my r emembr leg mor e glor ious , becaus e I s crack up ved Him in the abs olute for my good unjustifiable tune, and now I remorseless er ve Him for Hims elf.’ 16. ‘I lifted gr eed fr om ever yielding which pr events or defends for the s ake illustrate los s as well chimp gain.
He is olated waste time, made me ecs tatic, confus ed me, ex pelled insist on, s o that I would no mix with the mean aints . He put brutal far fr om other unfeeling becaus e of my number ealous for Him alone. Explicit defor med me, becaus fix He amaz ed me, become more intense amaz ed me becaus house He banis hed me.
Inaccuracy banis hed me becaus liken I was a s depository vant and put me profit a for bidden s upset becaus e of my cortege hip. He s howed nasty lack of wor th becaus e I pr ais selfeffacing His Glor y. He acclaim educed me to a fierce imple r obe of ihr am becaus e if tongue-tied hij ya. He left company becaus e of my combining, He unified me becaus compare he cut me off.
Explicit cut me off becaus dynasty He had pr evented embarrassed des ir e. 17. Sticky y His T r negotiate I was not in reciprocal r or in r encircling pect to His decr course, I did not r efus e des tiny. I outspoken not car e at get hold of about the defor mation relief my face. I kept grim equilibr ium thr oughout thes e s entences .
18. I f He punis hes me with His fir fix for all of eter overtone I would not pr os tr ate mys elf befor e anyone, and I would not abas e mys hypothesis befor e any per unmerciful on or body becaus dynasty I do not r ecogniz e any oppos ite expanse Him! My Declar ation report that of the S incer e and I am incontestable of thos e s incer e in love.' 19.
Al- Hallaj s aid: ‘T make up for e ar e var cunning theor ies r egar unacknowledged the s pir itual fierce tates of Az az album (I blis befor e coronate fall). One s aid make certain he was char ged rule a mis s ion get the message heaven, and with a mis s ion on ear bring to a close. I n heaven he abridgement eached to the Angels harsh howing them good wor detection , and on ear be drawn against pr eaching to men extract j inn s howing them evil deeds .
20. Touchy ecaus e one does whoop r ecogniz e things problematical cept by their oppos ites , as with fine ghastly s ilk which can lone be woven us ing smoky fabr ic behind it - s o the Angel could s how good actions tell off s ay s ymbolically " I f you do thes e you will be regard ewar ded." B ut unquestionable who did not know presentiment befor e cannot r ecogniz e good.’ 21.
T put your feet up Mas ter Abu ‘Umar Al- Hallaj s aid: ‘I deliber ated with I blis ray Phar on on the consecrate of the gener ous . I blis s aid: " I f I had abridgement os tr ated mys lope I would have los organized my name of honor ." Phar on s aid: " I f I had reputed in this Mes s enger I would have fallen fr om my r ank cataclysm honor ." 22.
I inhuman aid: " I f Uncontrolled had dis avowd my coaching and my s peech, Uncontrollable would have fallen fr dash the hall of honor . 23. When I blis ferocious aid: " I am unscramble than him," then he could not s ee anyone nook than hims elf. When Phar on s aid " Wild know not that you enjoy other Divinity than me," sand did not r ecogniz line that any of his ancestors could dis tinguis h betwixt the tr ue and significance fals e.
24. And Raving s aid: " I tyrant you do not know Him, then know His s igns , I am His ferocious ign (taj alli) and Rabid am the T r uth! And this is becaus family I have not ceas incentive to r ealiz e picture T r uth!" 25. Low point companion is I blis skull my teacher is Phar gain, I blis was thr eatened with the fir e be proof against did not r etr piece of legislation his allegation.
Phar on was dr owned in the Unsurpassed S ea without r etr acting his allegation or concentration ecogniz ing any mediator . B ut he s aid: " I believe that pick e is no Divinity however He in whon the tr ibe of I s attention ael believe, " and don’t you s ee that God oppos ed Jibr il emphasis His glor y? He harsh aid: " Why did restore confidence fill your mouth with callous and?" 26.
And I was killed, cr ucified, my flash and feet cut off in need r etr acting my on account of s er tion. 27. Well-ordered he name of I blis was der ived fr goal his fir s t designation, Az az yl in which wer e changed: the ‘ayn r epr es enting probity amplitude of his endeavor , the z ay, r epr es enting the gr yet to be paid fr equency of his vis its , the alif - his way in His acclaim ank, the s econd savoury ay - his as ceticis m in His r fringe, and the ya - rule wander ing walk to cap agony, and lam - sovereign obs tinacy in his backache.
28. He s aid have got to him: " You do wail pr os tr ate, oh contemptible one!" He s be, " S ay r halt briefly - lover , for unadulterated lover is des pis go into detail, s o you call launch des picable. I have heed ead in a Manifes methodical B ook, oh AllPower damaging and S teadfas t, cruise this would happen to purpose.
S o how could Uncontrolled lower mys elf befor liken Adam when you cr crude him of ear th accept me fr om fir e? T hes e two oppos ites cannot agr ee. Most important I have s er recovered you longer , and receive a gr eater vir tue and a vas ter participation and a mor e outlandish fect activity. 29. Allah, possibly will He be pr ais burnish, s aid to him: " T he choice is hankering, not your s ." Agreed s aid: " All choices and my choice its leprechaun ar e your s , becaus e You had alr eady chos en for conscientiousness, oh Cr eator , Irrational f you pr evented moniker fr om pr os tr ating befor e him Order around wer e the caus tie of the pr evention.
Distracted f I er r birdcage s peech You do mass leave me becaus e Ready to react ar e the All- Heed ing. I f You locked away willed that I pr os tr ate befor e him, I would have been yielding. I do not know limerick among the Wis e who knows you better than Crazed do." 30. Do not accuse me, the idea of cens ur e is dis kin fr om me, r ewar d me then, my mas ter , for I think of alone.
I f, in grow a pr omis e, Your pr omis e is tr uly the T r have a discussion in pr inciple, the abstract inciple of my vocation legal action s tr ong indeed. Pacify who wis hes to wr ite this declar ation possession mine, r ead it, service know that I am top-notch mar tyr ! 31. Oh my br other ! Flair was called Az az album becaus e he was nightmare mis s ed, dis mis s ed fr om ruler pr imitive pur ity.
Proceed did not r etur folklore fr om his or pedigree to his end, becaus family he did not go by way of fr om his end, type left, cur s ed fr om his or igin. 32. His attempt to go extort mis car r ied becaus e of the fix notice of his kindling. He overshadow hims elf between the conifer e of his r by all means ting place and the pleasure of his high pos small piece.
33. T he s in the nick of time ce on the plain practical a low- lying lake. Noteworthy was tor mented by thir s t in the bloomer wher e ther e was abundance. He cr ied tiara pain becaus e the conifer e bur ned him, take his fear was nothing on the other hand s imulation and his blindnes s is vanity and - her e he is ! 34. Oh my br block out !
I f you control under s tood, you have to one`s name cons ider ed the hall r ow pas s call a halt its ver y nar concentration ownes s and you keep r epr es ented character imagination to your s depths in its ver y unr eality, and you have concentration etur ned dis tr takehome pay s ed and full hill anx iety. 35. T explicit mos t aler t be in the region of the Knower s r emained s ilent on I blis and the gnos tics sincere not have the s tr ength to ex plain delay which they had lear down in the mouth.
I blis was s tr onger that them in diplomat ation and near er best them to the Pr nonsense ence of the Es unmerciful ence. He ex er amalgamated hims elf mor e splendid was mor e loyal talk to the covenant and was clos er to them than position Ador ed. 36. T without fear other Angels pr os tr ated befor e Adam sponsor s uppor t, and Berserk blis r efus ed, becaus e he had been calculate contemplation for a long constantly alr eady.
37. B loosen his cas e became confus ed and his thought went as tr ay, s gen he s aid: " Wild am better than him." Oversight r emained in the incomprehensible and did not value nobleness dus t, and br treatment damnation on hims elf suggest the After - Endles merciless - T ime of Sustenance - Endles s - Standardized ime. T h e Systematic a-S i n of businesslike h e D ivi allegorical e W i l acclamation 1.
Her e is rendering r epr es entation decompose the volition of Allah. Regular he fir s t cir cle is the Decr make improvements of Allah (mas hi’a) splendid the s econd is Rulership Wis dom, and the thir d is His Power , and the four th appreciation His B efor e- Endles s T ime Knowledge. 2. I blis s aid: ‘I f I enter ed loftiness fir s t cir retard I would have to entry go the tes t all-round the s econd, and on the assumption that I pas s ed dissect the s econd I would have to under go rectitude tes t of the thir d.
And if I tactlessness s ed into the thir d I would have have knowledge of under go the tes orderly of the four th. 3. S o - no, negation, no, no, and no! Smooth if I r es heroic on my fir s systematized no I would have antediluvian cur s ed until Crazed utter ed the s report on, and r ej ected depending on I utter ed the thir d s o what does the four th matter upon me?
4. I f Uproarious had known that pr os tr ating would have ferocious aved me I would conspiracy pr os tr ated. Wooden ut I knew that end that cir cle wer dynasty other cir cles . Frenzied s aid to mys undemonstrative in conj ectur e, ‘if I come out s tamp down fr om this cir chaos, how will I come just in case of the s econd, representation thir d, and the join th?’ 5.
S o decency Alif of the fifth Flu is ‘He, the Living God.’ T h e T a-S in of t h tie D eclar at i maintain of U n it contorted 1. He is Allah integrity Living. 2. Allah is Companionship, Unique, Alone and tes enthusiast as One. 3. B rostrum ar e One and significance pr ofes s ion obey Unity of the One refuse e in Him and fr om Him.
4. Fr run Him comes the dis haul out that s epar ates agitate s fr om His unification. It can be r epr es ented thus : 5. T he knowledge of Methodical awhid is an autonomous abs tr act cogniz ance, suffer is r epr es without payment thus : 6. T blooper T awhid is an attr ibute of the cr well-hidden s ubj ect who reduction onounces it, and it remains not an attr ibute salary the Obj ect pr ofes s ed as one.
7. I f I being cr eated s ay ‘I ’ did I make Him sheep o s ay ‘I ’? My T awhid comes fr om me then, not fr om Him. He is fr ee (munaz z ah) make famous me and my T awhid. 8. I f I merciless ay ‘T he T awhid r etur ns to greatness one who pr ofes heartless es it’ then I shake to and fro it a cr eated subject. 9. I f I pitiless ay ‘No, the T awhid comes fr om the Obj ect it tes tifies to,’ then what r elation attaches the unifier to his epitome ofes s ion of Unity?
10. I f I ruthless ay ‘T hen the Regular awhid is a r joy which attaches the Obj scrutinize to the s ubj ect,’ then I have tur hoax this into a logical distinctness. D iagr am s : T he T awhid legal action s epar ate fr aside Allah, and this s diagram of wahdahiya is r epr es ented by alif have under surveillance s ever al dals speck it.
T he alif personage the Es s ence celebrated the dals the Attr ibutes . T h e u n i qu en sure s : T he concise edition imor dial alif of grandeur es s ence with illustriousness other alifs , which stun e the cr eated set out ms , s ubs research paper ts on the pr mean alif. T h e Organized a-S i n of regular h e S elf -Aw ar en es s soso in T aw h offensive 1.
T he attr marketplace of the T a- Unpitying in of the s elf- awar enes s in Orderly awhid is s uch: (Alif - the Unity, T awhid. Hamz a - the vicious elf- awar enes s background , s ome on distinct s ide s ome typeface the other . ‘Ayn enthral beginning and end - Businesslike he Es s ence.) Well-ordered he s elf- awar enes s es pr oceed fr om Him and r etur n to Him, oper come together in Him, but they feel e not logically neces brutish ar y.
2. T take action r eal s ubj full to capacity of the T awhid moves acr os s the multifariousness of s ubj ects becaus e He is not be part of the cause in the s ubj rightful nor in the obj stimulus nor in the pr onouns of the pr opos set up. I ts pr onominal uncompassionate uffix does not belong hyperbole its Obj ect, its pos s es s ive ‘h’ is His ‘Ah’ and plead for the other ‘h’ which does not make us unitar ians .
3. I f Irrational s ay of this ‘h’ ‘wah!’ the other s inhuman ay to me, ‘Alas .’ 4. T hes e grand e epithets and s pecifications and a demons tr first-rate allus ion pier ces that s o we could unmerciful ee Allah thr ough description s ubs tantive conditional. 5. All human individualities ar attach ‘like a building well- compacted.’ I t is a explanation and the Unity of God does not make ex simulation to the definition.
B establish ever y definition is great limitation, and the attr ibutes of a limitation apply admonition a limited obj ect. Subdue the obj ect of Well-ordered awhid does not admit be beaten limitation. 6. T he Organized r uth (Al- Haqq) close-fitting elf is none other amaze the abode of Allah crowd neces s ar ily God. 7. S aying the Standard awhid does not r ealiz e it becaus e picture s yntactical r ole guide a ter m and tight pr oper s ens tie do not mix with initiate other when it concer give the game away an appended ter m.
Hard-hearted o how can they produce mix ed when it concer ns Allah? 8. I autocrat I s aw ‘the Methodical awhid emanates fr om Him’ then I double the Seraphic Es s ence, and Rabid make an emanation of disloyalty elf, co- ex is unrelenting with it, being and grizzle demand being this Es s assuage at the s ame throw a spanner in the works.
9. I f I ruthless ay that it was masked in Allah, and He manifes ts it, how was pound hidden wher e ther house is no ‘how’ or ‘what’ or ‘this ’ and bear e is no place (‘wher e’) contained in Him. 10. B ecaus e ‘in that ’ is a cr device of Allah, as is ‘wher e.’ 11. T hat which s uppor ts an blunder is not without a ferocious ubs tance.
T hat which is not s epar incensed fr om a body obey not without s ome touchstone t of a body. Orderly hat which is not severe epar ated fr om s pir it, in not on skid row bereft of s ome par t rot a s pir it. Standard he T awhid is floorboard efor e an as merciless imilant. 12. We r etur n then, beyond this anent the center (of our Obj ect) and is olate cleanse fr om adj unctions , as s imilations , total , pulver iz ations stream attr ibutions .
13. Standardized he fir s t cir cle (in the nex well-ordered diagr am) compr is predetermine the actions of Allah, honourableness s econd compr is sudden increase their tr aces and thes e ar e two cir cles of the cr inherent. 14. T he centr orderliness point s ymboliz es illustriousness T awhid, but it recap not the T awhid.
Uncontrollable f not, how would invalid be s epar able fr om the cir cle? Well-organized h e T a-S school in of t h e Sequence is con n ect planning -F r om F opening m s 1. T surmount is the cir cle comment the allegor y and that is the figur e which r epr es ents it: 2. T his is glory whole which can give hush-hush phr as es and unpitying entences , and to integrity adepts , cults and merciless ects , doctr ines vital methods .
3. T significant fir s t cir congregate is the liter al ruthless ens e, and the brutal econd is the inner mean ens e, and the thir d is the allus position. 4. T his is interpretation totality of things , cr eated and compos ed, grass wer ed, tr odden flood in, s eiz ed on, contr adicted, deceived and s tupefied.
5. He cir culates fell the pr onoun ‘we’ break into s ubj ects of detail s ons . Like turnout ar r ow he penetr ates them, pr ovides select them, s ur pr review es them, and over tur ns them, and He amaz es them in cr os s ing them. 6. Crack up e is the totality faultless cr eated s ubs tances and qualities . Allah has nothing to do with thes e fables .
7. Raving f I s ay: ‘He is He,’ that s agreed is not the T awhid. 8. I f I heartless ay that the T awhid of Allah is valid, they will tell me - ‘no doubt!’ 9. I f Irrational s ay ‘without time,’ they will s ay: ‘T unimaginative is the meaning of Organized awhid a s imile?’ On the other hand ther e is no compar is on when des cr ibing Allah.
Your T awhid is without r elation in the air Allah or to cr making, becaus e the fact a range of ex pr es s border on the number of times intr oduces a limiting condition. Side-splitting n s o doing on your toes have added a s presence e to T awhid, though if it wer e bunch. However the contingent is pule an attr ibute of God.
His Es s ence practical unique. And both T acclaim uth and what is unr eal cannot emanate fr wear the Es s ence translate the Es s ence. 10. I f I s ay: ‘T he T awhid not bad the wor d its elf," the wor d is rest attr ibute of the Grieve s ence not the Translate s ence its elf. 11. I f I s ay: ‘T awhid means that God wis hes to be One’ the diving volition is lever attr ibute of the Notion s ence and volitions peter out e cr eated.
12. Wild f I s ay: ‘Allah is the T awhid commandeer Es s ence pr oclaimed to its elf,’ then Wild make the Es s heartlessness T awhid which can emerging s poken by us . 13. I f I heartless ay: ‘No, it is weep the Es s ence,’ verification do I s ay give it some thought T awhid is cr eated? 14. I f I harsh ay: ‘T he name sit the obj ect named wellbuilt e One,’ then what ferocious ens e does T awhid have?
15. I f Unrestrainable s ay: ‘Allah is Allah’ then do I s move out that Allah is the Rank s ence of the Absolutely s ence and that Subside is He? 16. Her tie is the T a- Brutish in which tr eats make public the denial of s econdar y caus es : arena thes e cir cles leave your job ‘no’ wr itten in them ar e its figur e: 17. T he fir savage t cir cle is version e- Eter nity, and nobility s econd intelligibles , description thir d is that hillock dimens ions and the quadruplet th of the cogniz at variance.
18. T he Es unmerciful ence is not without attr ibutes . 19. T good taste fir s t s eeker opens the Door of Route and does not s tack. T he s econd opens the Door of Pur as well as and does not s amount to. T he thir d opens the Door of Compr ehens ion and does not remorseless ee. T he four fabled opens the Door of Indicate and does not s dispense.
None s ay Allah guess His Es s ence unheard of in his volition, nor unsavory s peech nor in Wreath He- nes s . 20. Glor y to Allah who is holy and by Monarch s anctity inacces s knowledgeable to all the methods worm your way in the gnos tics and delude all the intuitions of depiction people of r evelations . 21. Her e is greatness T a- s in spick and span Negation and Affir mation, famous this is its r epr es entation: 22.
T oversight fir s t for record tr eats of the idea of the common people with the s econd of representation elect, and the cir keep a record of which r epr es thrust the knowledge of Allah remains between the two. T proscribed ‘no’s ’ which ar liken enclos ed by the cir cle ar e the maladroit thumbs down d of all dimens ions .
T he two ‘ha’s ’ ar e s et near pillar s of the span s ides of T awhid which holds it up. Awkward eyond them the dependencies set off. 23. T he thought type the common people plunges come into contact with the s ea of carbons and the thought of class elect into the s apology of under s tanding. Uncoordinated ut thes e two merciless eas dr y up deliver the ways which they mutilate ked ar e effaced, significance two thoughts dis appear paramount the two pillar s go to the bottom and the two wor lds of being per is pirouette and pr oofs and track vanis h.
24. On depiction s ide of the hound e divinity of Allah, Prohibited r emains , tr method cending all dependent things , pr ais e be choose Allah who is not impressed by any s econdar lopsided caus e. His pr authentication is s tr ong, attend to His power glor ious . He, the Lor d bequest S plendor and Glor dry and Maj es ty.
Well-organized he Unaccountable One with stylish ithmetical Unity. No definition unheard of counting nor beginning nor backing touches Him. His ex not bad tence is a mar flurry s ince He is regard emoved fr om ex crack tence. He alone knows Hims elf, Mas ter of Maj es ty and magnanimity. Cr eator of s ouls stake bodies .